27 Februari 2017 | ISNIN

Im not really sure when it started, but currently im soooo into this kind of books. Yup, personality books. For me, it’s one of the best way to know yourself and others.

Knowing my personality types is ENFJ based on my test last year, so I try to search as many as information regarding this.

Abah pun jadi mangsa dalam hal ni haha.

I asked him to do the test, and he did it! His personality is ESTP. We are only same in extrovert-ness but different in other parts. Maybe that is why I’m the best person who can deal with him, haha we complete each other, can’t you see that? Lol. And maybe my trait was pass on from my mother, aww so sweeeet when I come across this.

So I continue to compare my personality with my dad’s. I feel this is kind of interesting as we have seriously opposite way of think. Hahaha. I love my dad!

And yeah, thanks to this book. Borrowed it from Kak Hani cantik melecun haha.

P/S; sebab baru habis baca buku English, so mood pun acah-acah rasa nak speaking. Sorry for my broken-teruks English.